sleep service

gentle sleep coaching

3 week program

Work directly with Rebecca. She is a highly skilled sleep specialist and has over 12 years of experience in helping clients overcome their child’s sleep challenges.

our sleep ideology

before sleep coaching

Before you begin sleep coaching you must follow a regular daily SEA (Sleep, Eat and Activity) schedule with a consistent bedtime each night.

sleep environment - the cozy nest

Sleep quality is much higher in a room that is cool (68-72 degrees), very dark, quiet, and has a sound machine with a motorized fan.

behavioral sleep techniques

Sleep training techniques are behavioral interventions that can help a child learn the skill of independent sleep.

perfect bedtime routine

A bedtime routine includes all of the things that you do to provide lots of connection before sleep, such as putting on pjs, reading a book & singing songs.

gentle coaching & attachment

You can strengthen your child's secure attachment. Support them through the coaching process. It can be difficult at first, simply because it is new.

best age to sleep coach

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Babies do not have regular sleep cycles until about 6 to 9 months of age.” Start then or wait until later.

what people are saying

“After working with Rebecca, our 5 year old was confident in his own room, he could fall asleep on his own, and stay asleep through the night. ”

— Colleen W., Long Island, NY, June 2023 / Child: 5 yrs old

“We will be eternally grateful for the tremendous impact Rebecca’s had on our family’s wellbeing in a short period of time.”

— Arleen and Zach C., Long Island, NY, March 2023 / Child: 2 yrs old

“Good mornings begin with good nights”

—Rebecca Kammerer, Pediatric Sleep Specialist